Silberberg Tunnel

  • Silberberg Tunnel
    The Silberberg Tunnel
  • Silberberg Tunnel
    The Silberberg Tunnel
  • Silberberg Tunnel
    The Silberberg Tunnel
  • Silberberg Tunnel
    The Silberberg Tunnel

After the construction project in 2008 had been published all over Europe, in June 2009 the building works for the tunnel through the Silberberg Mountain began. The tunnel has a length of 7391 meters and is part of the project Nuremberg-Ebensfeld-Erfurt-Leipzig/Halle-Berlin. It will be the second longest tunnel of this line after the Blessberg tunnel.

The joint venture of “Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG”, “Bilfinger + Berger Ingenieurbau AG”, “Max Bögl Bauunternehmung GmbH” and “Bickhardt Bau AG” have been chosen for the completion of this project. The tunnel is being created by blast heading, but not as usual from the tunnel portals on, but within two drifts that later on will be used as emergency exits.


Facts and figures:

  • Tunnel length: 7391 meter
  • Duration of the project: 2009 – 2013 (planned)
  • Total project volume: 264 Mio. Euro



Alexander Strutzke
Alexander Strutzke
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Sales and Marketing Manager
phone: +49 (931) 35503-550

Successful project collaboration with EPLASS:

To facilitate the complex construction management in a central system, the project participants decided to work with the internet based project collaboration platform EPLASS. All processes are easily accessible for all project participants at any time and any place. Everything from the correspondence, to the construction reports, structural analysis, check reports and claims are organized, reviewed and archived within EPLASS. The project participants consists of the above named joint venture, the German Railway (DB AG), external designers, checking engineers, geotechnical engineers and the building inspection. The federal railway authority is also involved in this project.