BIM Pilotproject B 187 n

BIM Pilotproject B 187 n

  • BIM Pilotproject B 187 n
    Anschlussbereich Bauanfang
  • BIM Pilotproject B 187 n
    Gesamtmodell mit Bauwerken und Ausstattung
  • BIM Pilotproject B 187 n
    Gesamtmodell mit Schutzgebieten

B 178 n - A4 AS Weißenburg to Nostitz

EIBS GmbH was commissioned by DEGES within the terms of a VgV tender to plan the B 178n, 1st BA in the work phases 3 to 5. The planning comprises the three-strip new construction as a gap closure between the BAB 4 AS Weißenberg and the connection to the B 178n near Nostitz over a length of approx. 5.5 km. Together with EIBS, DEGES is taking a step towards implementing the BMVI's "Stufenplan Digitales Planen und Bauen" and will process the planning using the BIM method. The new construction of the B178 between Zittau and the A4 is the transport project with the highest priority in the Free State of Saxony after the A72 Chemnitz - Leipzig motorway.

Utilization of BIM

With the BIM method, an interdisciplinary cooperation of all specialist planners involved in the project is possible on a three-dimensional level. In a virtual model, all information is combined and can be evaluated and compared in the complex. The overall BIM coordination is carried out by GSP Network GmbH, Hamburg. The aim of the overall coordination is the BIM-compliant implementation of the project, as well as the implementation of the BIM processes required by current knowledge and standards.

Facts and figures

  • Total length: approx. 5,8 km
  • Total costs: approx. 70 Mio. €

Further information: Planung der B 178 n mit BIM   or


Alexander Strutzke
Alexander Strutzke
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Sales and Marketing Manager
phone: +49 (931) 35503-550
Reiner Eisemann
Reiner Eisemann
Project Manager;
phone: +49 (931) 35503-733

Successful project management with EPLASS

The overall goal of using the BIM methodology in this project is to gain experience in the use of the new planning method. EPLASS is used for model checking as well as for the 3D viewpoint and certain data pool models. At the end of the current work phase (3) it can be stated that the use of the BIM method has improved communication between the client and the planners. The use of a comprehensive coordination model for the exchange of designing results enables everyone to better understand the concerns of the parties involved in the planning process. In this context, good preparation and structuring based on viewpoints in the coordination model has proven to be important.